Summer Study Session 24

SSS24 Live Stream
If you’re not going to be in Kansas City for the Fellowship’s Summer Study Session later this month, then you can still watch the main sessions live on Facebook. Here’s the schedule:
July 25
9:00-10:15 AM – The Art of Teaching (Michael Painter presenting)
2:00- 2:45 PM – The Purpose and Importance of Education (Marilynn Kulieke presenting)
7:15-9:15 PM – The Teacher Education Program (Elisabeth Callahan presenting) + entertainment
July 26
9:00-10:15 AM – Strategies and Techniques for Teaching The Urantia Book to Groups (Alice Wood presenting)
2:00-2:45 PM – Presenting The Urantia Book to Individuals (Marvin Gawryn presenting)
7:30-9:00 PM – The Spirit of Ubuntu film and concert (Pato Banton and Antoinette Rootsdawtah presenting)
July 27
9:00 AM-noon – How Jesus Taught (Gard Jameson presenting), followed by closing presentation and farewell.So put the dates in your calendar! Click here to join.For more information, go to our Summer Study Session webpage.